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How can I explore a diagnosis of dyslexia/dyspraxia/ADHD/SpLD?

If you think you may have a Specific Learning Difference (SpLD), such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD, but have never received a formal diagnosis, the first step is to book a Disability Adviser Quick Query meeting, so we can discuss how best to help you. We may recommend a GP appointment, an optician’s appointment, a screening appointment or a combination of these. In a screening appointment, the adviser will explore why you feel you might have a SpLD and may use screening tools or short tasks to help determine if you should be referred for further assessment where it can be possible to receive a formal diagnosis of a SpLD such as dyslexia or dyspraxia.

If you are showing traits of ADHD and this is something you wish to explore, there is a specific route for this through your GP. We can advise you of your options and provide resources about ADHD assessment.

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