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How do I share my HEAR?

You can share your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) via the Gradintelligence website. Select the education tab in your personal profile to find the "share my HEAR" button and follow the steps.

The recipient will receive an email from Gradintel. You can choose how many times your HEAR can be opened, how long the link stays alive and to receive an alert when your document has been viewed.

Sharing your HEAR directly via the Gradintel secure portal means that the data it contains has been verified by the University of Surrey.

The HEAR is a self-serve document and the University of Surrey cannot share it with a third party on your behalf. You can print or PDF your HEAR but the data would not be considered as verified by the University of Surrey. If you require a certified paper copy, you can order stamped and printed paper copies of your transcript via our online store.

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