How do I take / apply for a temporary withdrawal?
If you are experiencing personal difficulties that are impacting on your studies, you may wish to consider taking a period of temporary withdrawal from your degree programme, for a maximum period of 12 months. This gives you the option to return to continue your studies and submit all necessary assignments for modules for which teaching has already been completed. Please note: the following does not apply to postgraduate research students, who will need to apply via the APESC (sub-committee of the Doctoral College Board).
Before you apply
Before applying for temporary withdrawal, we strongly advise you to first discuss it with your personal tutor and our MySurrey Hive team, as there may be ways that the University can support you through your course. You can contact the MySurrey Hive via Surrey Support. Please select "My Course" as your enquiry topic. You can also talk to the MySurrey team regarding any questions related to how temporary withdrawal will affect fees and funding, housing and visa applications.
During a temporary withdrawal, you will not pay tuition fees for that period and therefore will not be eligible for any tuition or to submit any work for assessment. You will have some access to University facilities but will not be allowed to stay in University accommodation. You will retain access to your University email during periods of temporary withdrawal in order to ensure contact is maintained. Taking a temporary withdrawal may affect your visa status and right to stay in the UK. Please note that if your temporary withdrawal period exceeds more than one year, (including any previous periods of temporary withdrawal), you will be required to submit supporting evidence. This will also be the case if you are requesting your temporary withdrawal to be backdated.
How to apply
If you decide to apply for a period of temporary withdrawal please sign-in to Student Self-Service using your normal username and password.
- From the "registration" menu, select "apply for suspension or withdrawal".
- Select "start new application".
- Select the course from which you wish to withdraw.
- Add your programme details, the type of withdrawal and the reason for this withdrawal.
- Upload any supporting documentation.
- Select ‘save and continue’ to submit your application.
- You will be asked if you would like support from student money and housing. Respond accordingly. If your answer is yes then your application will be on hold. You can change this at any time once you have received the support you require.
- You may withdraw your application by clicking on "withdraw application" at the bottom of the "student/programme details" screen.
Further information can be found in Code of Practice for temporary and permanent withdrawals: taught programmes.
Further guidance and support can be found on the withdrawals page online.