I live on Manor Park campus and am expecting a parcel how can I collect this?
Your item will be transferred from Central Distribution to Manor Park and processed into our in-house locker system hosted by Parcel Pending. Your item will be placed into a locker, and once the door has been closed, an email will be sent to you with a ‘pick-up code’ and barcode. The email will include the location, either INDOOR or OUTDOOR. Using your pick-up code, you can then collect your item. You can scan your email pick-up code on the main screen of the locker and the door will open.
Please collect your items from the lockers as soon as you are able. We receive high numbers of parcels for Manor Park and delays are possible when we are awaiting availability of lockers.
If you have any enquiries, please email our Manor Park Post Room team or visit us in-person in the Manor Park Reception (outside MySurrey Hive Manor Park and Manor Park Social).