What do student course representatives do?
A student course representative is there to support and co-ordinate input from the students. All courses have them. One representative is required for each cohort and if more than one student volunteers, the rest of the student body may be asked to select their representative by voting. Notice will be given that an election is taking place.
Student course representatives undertake the following:
- Attend the Students' Union training sessions
- Attend relevant meetings, for example, Boards of Studies, Staff/Student Liaison Meetings, Students' Union Course Rep meetings, Student Parliament, etc.
- Consult with peers about course-related issues
- Represent peers to staff in meetings within your department and course
- Feedback information to peers
- Share issues with fellow reps
- Keep in contact with the VP Voice at the Students' Union.
Being a student course representative gives you the change to represent your colleagues, and review and discuss policies and decisions that will affect not only your cohort, but subsequent cohorts in your school or department.
Nominations for new students take place at the beginning of the academic year and take place for returning students in April in order for them to be trained and to understand their roles well in advance of the new academic year. Students can either put themselves forward, or nomination forms are available. Details of the elected students are passed to the Students' Union and are recorded on the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) website.Need more help?
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