Can I add or remove a placement year to my programme?
To request the addition or removal of a placement year students should contact the MySurrey Hive team via Surrey Support, and select "My Course" as the enquiry topic. If you want to go ahead you will be directed to complete the programme transfer form on your SurreyLearn programme page and your request will be actioned.
International students
You can add or remove a placement if you are on a Student visa, but there are set of criteria that must be met.
In all cases, students wishing to change programme will need to complete a Programme Transfer Request form (found under Course Materials on your Programme Information Page on SurreyLearn) and submit it to the MySurrey Hive team via Surrey Support. Please select “My Course” as your enquiry topic.
In addition, student visa holders will also need to provide a 300 word supporting statement detailing why you wish to add or remove a placement year, and how it will be of benefit to your future career aspirations. This will be considered by Immigration Compliance as part of the process.
If students would like to speak to an advisor before submitting a formal request, appointments can be booked with the International Student Advice Team.
If requesting to remove a placement component, this will not affect the validity of your current visa. After the request is approved, the Home Office will be informed of the new programme completion date and will shorten the time remaining after the degree has been awarded.
If requesting to add a placement component, after outline approval is received an extended visa will need to be obtained before your student record can be updated.