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How can I apply for a parking permit and which permit is best for me?

If you need to park on campus you can submit a parking permit application using the CPP Parking Eye Permit System

Students living outside Guildford

If you do not reside on campus and are living outside of the local GU1/GU2 postcode areas and in private accommodation you can apply for a parking permit. You will be asked to provide details of your active university email address, full residential address and car registration/make/model. No further information or eligibility criteria will need to be assessed by us. 

Students living on campus or within local postcode areas (GU1/GU2)

If you are a student who resides on campus or within the local GU1 or GU2 postcode areas, parking permits are limited and subject to further strict eligibility criteria. Parking applications are reviewed based on the information provided by applicants. You will therefore be asked to provide further evidence of your need to able to park on campus including evidence of one or more of the following: 

  • Proven medical need: applicants with documented medical conditions requiring close proximity parking can apply for a Blue Badge parking permit
  • Evidenced caring or childcare commitments: consideration for those with verifiable caregiving or childcare responsibilities
  • Work and course requirements: includes students on placement or work associated with their course

Payment options

For the majority of users there are two car permit options to choose from, Pay As You Go and Pay Monthly.

Pay As You Go

If you select the Pay As You Go system, you can opt for the Evology 'Pay to Park' and £2 will automatically be deducted from your linked bank account each time you park. Or you can set up a virtual wallet, which you can keep topped up manually or set up to top up automatically when the balance reaches £0. Instructions for how to access the payment methods will become clear upon successful completion of your permit application. Credit will be automatically deducted after your vehicle exits the car parks each day. The cost of parking is per day, so if you travel between Manor Park, Kate Granger or Stag Hill you will only pay the daily rate of £2.

Pay Monthly

If you plan to drive to campus four or more days per week, this is the cheapest option. It costs £29 per month and can all be done via the use of the Evology parking app in the "Book Now" section. Payments will be deducted each month until cancelled. You will receive an email reminder before each payment. Those living in halls of residences and looking to park on campus must choose this option.

The Campus Services team assess each application against the criteria and will respond to the application with an outcome and next steps. Please note that all residential addresses are audited against student records to ensure permits comply with the parking policy and eligibility criteria.

All permits are valid from a September – September academic year. All students will need to reapply once a year. All current permit holders will be emailed when they need to reapply.

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