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How can I see a doctor at University?

While you are at University, we recommend that all students register with a local doctor. Some of the benefits of early registration are:

  • It saves you time – after registering at the doctor your medical records can be easily accessed and you don’t need to ask for them every time you need to use an NHS service.
  • It gives you access to multiple services, including meningitis vaccinations, medical advice, minor illnesses, sexual health and family planning, and more.
  • If you require an Extenuating Circumstances letter due to a medical illness, your local GP will be able to provide this.
  • You will be provided access to dedicated student-only clinics in the evenings, weekends and on Wednesday afternoons, plus physiotherapy, home visits, emergency bookings, ongoing treatment appointment bookings and more.

Registering with a GP in Guildford means that you can access them through the digital platform, for phone calls and video consultations even during the summer holidays. Registering with a doctor in Guildford also does not prevent you from being seen in person by your “home” GP over the University holidays. For all GPs across the UK, there is a system in place that allows you to be seen as a temporary resident while a student on campus.

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