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I need urgent physical health support

If you, or someone you know, requires emergency support for an illness or injury, please ring the ambulance service on 999, or if you are able to, visit your local Accident and Emergency: for Guildford this is Royal Surrey County Hospital, GU2 7XX (01483 571122) or you can find your local A&E on the NHS website.

If you are on campus at the time of the serious illness or injury, you can also call Campus Safety on +44 (0) 1483 683 333.

Meningitis is a medical emergency, if you are concerned about meningitis, please contact 999 immediately. You can find a full list of symptoms for meningitis on the NHS website.

If you are unwell or injured, but do not require immediate attention, please contact your doctor, or use the NHS 111 service for advice. You can either call them directly on 111, or receive online advice for your symptoms on their website.

If you are a patient of the Guildowns Group practice on Stag Hill Campus,  you can visit their website for the most up to date contact information and information on their opening hours.

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