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What can I appeal against?

Students can appeal against: 

  • Academic progress decisions, such as, a decision to terminate your course
  • Decisions on your credits or marks, or if a doctoral degree, your degree classification or outcome
  • A penalty for failing to make progress including programme termination
  • An outcome of an extenuating circumstances application.

Students cannot appeal against: 

1. You cannot appeal an academic judgement. The University will not consider an academic appeal if you are challenging an academic judgement. An academic judgement is where only the opinion of an academic expert will suffice, i.e. a marker. Situations where the University will therefore not consider an academic appeal on the basis of academic judgement include:

  • Where you are appealing an academic judgement on the content or learning outcomes associated with programmes, modules and courses that have been approved by the University
  • Where you are appealing an academic judgement on captured content and live teaching events
  • Where you are appealing an academic judgement on the merits of your work submitted for assessment
  • Where you are appealing an academic judgement on the research methodology that you have followed.

2. You cannot appeal an academic decision that has not yet been confirmed. The University will not consider your appeal if the decision that the appeal is based on has not yet been made or been confirmed i.e. you must have received ratified marks if appealing marks.

3. You cannot appeal an academic decision that you have already appealed. The University will not consider an appeal where the substance of the appeal relates to a matter that you have already appealed.

4. You cannot appeal an academic decision using evidence that is dishonest or has been acquired dishonestly.

5. You cannot appeal an academic decision if the evidence put forward to support the appeal can be shown to be malicious or represent a way of harassing the University by consuming the time and resources of its staff or a way of harassing members of staff and other students.

6. Decisions made in relation to academic misconduct, which has a separate appeal process.  Further information on academic integrity and the appeal process can be found on our academic misconduct page.

More information on the academic appeal process can be found on the Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulation (OSCAR) website.

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