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What is the penalty for a late assignment submission?

Where a student has not submitted a coursework unit of assessment by the deadline specified, which is either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 4pm, and there are no confirmed extenuating circumstances, from 4:01pm the mark given for that unit of assessment will be reduced by 10 percentage points for work submitted in the first 48 hour period after the deadline, where the actual assessment mark is above or at the Pass mark until the Pass mark is reached. 

If the assessment is failed, then the actual failed mark will stand without deduction for the late submission. 

If the late work is submitted at any point between 48 hours (two calendar days) and 120 hours (five calendar days) after the specified submission deadline and there are no confirmed extenuating circumstances, the mark given for that unit of assessment will be the Pass mark (where the actual assessment mark is above or at the Pass mark) or the actual failed mark. 

Penalties are applied after the assessed work is marked. The mark recorded for assessed work submitted from 4:01pm on the fifth day after the deadline (120 hours), or not submitted at all, is zero and will not be marked. 

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