Where is the Religious Life and Belief Centre located?
The Religious Life and Belief Centre has four hubs located on campus, three of which are on Stag Hill campus, and one is situated on Manor Park campus.
The Roundhouse is located near Cathedral Court. Once you have set up access, you can use your campus card from Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm to enter the building. You can request access to the Centre at the weekend by contacting the MySurrey Hive via Surrey Support. You cannot enter out of hours until you have been granted access. It hosts a multi-faith lounge area, a Christian oratory (prayer room) and Jewish Common Room for personal prayer and devotions, and the Roundhouse is also the office base for University chaplains.
The Wey Flat Pastoral Care Centre is located next to University Hall and on top of the amphitheatre next to the Hive. Here are the main Chaplaincy offices and meeting rooms. Faith and Worldview societies can hire these out for use.
The Islamic Prayer Room is located on the ground floor of the Thomas Telford building. Once you have set up access you can use your campus card at any time to enter the building. The Prayer Room is a dedicated space for Islamic prayer, it has wudu facilities and separate entrances are available.
The Manor Park Faith Hub is located in Block C in JB01-10 and is available for students who live on Manor Park. Once you have set up access you can use your campus card at any time to enter the building. It is a shared space available for prayers, meditation and devotions.
The Centre exists as a quiet space for prayer, meditation, reflection and acts of religious worship and associated hospitality.