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Am I eligible for compensation?

Compensation is only applied once a student has reached the required number of credits  90 credits in the first year, or 105 credits for subsequent years. Core modules are not eligible for compensation. A reasonable attempt must be made at all units of assessment within a module or it will not be eligible for compensation. 

For undergraduate students, compensation may be applied to failed modules if the following two parameters are met:

  • The weighted level (overall) average of all the student's module marks at a level  (including the failed modules) is 40% or higher (50% or higher for final year modules on integrated masters programmes).
  • The weighted level (overall) average mark is not rounded up, and the lowest overall mark achieved in a failed module is at least 30% (40% in a failed final year module on integrated masters programmes).

Undergraduates can be compensated in modules with a value up to and including 30 credits in first year, subsequent years 15 credits only.

Compensation is not available for foundation year students.

For postgraduate students, compensation may be applied to failed modules if the following two conditions are met:

  • The weighted level (overall) average of all the student's module marks (including the failed module(s) and the dissertation) is 50% or higher.
  • The weighted level (overall) average mark is not rounded up, and the lowest overall mark achieved in a failed module is at least 40% (30% in a failed final year module).

Postgraduate students can only be compensated for one module worth 15 credits.

For the BVMSci Veterinary Medicine and Science programme 30 credits can be compensated in first year and 15 credits in subsequent years.
Compensation may be applied to eligible modules if the following two conditions are met:

  • The weighted level (overall) aggregate of all the student's taught module marks at a level (including the failed module(s)) is 50% or higher.
  • The weighted level (overall) aggregate mark is not rounded up, and the lowest overall mark achieved in a failed module is at least 40%.

Health sciences students are not eligible for compensation.

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