How can I stop my food being taken?
If you are experiencing issues with food going missing we can suggest some steps that you may find useful to try and resolve the issue.
You could try to prevent food disappearing by agreeing as a flat where you will all store your food.
Putting your food in a container that is clearly labelled with your name may help. You could also leave a polite note asking for your missing items to be returned or replaced. It could well be that somebody has taken your food by mistake or assumes you don't mind things being borrowed. If you discuss the issue openly, together with your flatmates, everyone is likely to be more conscious and careful about items they are using.
Some flats like to take it in turns to cook whole-flat meals, buying more expensive items together, in bulk, to reduce costs.
All halls have a Residential Advisor who you can talk to in confidence about the issue. Your Residential Advisor could organise a get together between your flat to raise the issue and discuss solutions.