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How do I receive feedback from my clinical placement?

There are different processes for you to obtain feedback from your placement supervisor. These depend on the type of placement you are undertaking.

Veterinary medicine


Extramural studies (EMS) placements

If you are on an EMS placements, you should use the appropriate Post-Placement Supervisor Feedback Form which can be downloaded from SurreyLearn:
Post-Placement Supervisor Feedback Form (first year of registration pre 2024)
Post-Placement Supervisor Feedback Form (first year of registration 2024 onwards)

Please ensure this is completed and hand-signed by the EMS placement supervisor. Once completed you should upload this into your Student Experience Log (SEL). 

Intramural rotations (IMR) placements

If you are on IMR placements, you will have been allocated a member of University staff for each of your rotations, known as a Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Practice (LVCP). The LCVP's meet with students in week 2 and week 4 of their placement to discuss their ePortfolio and overall progress on the placement which includes feedback from their Clinical Instruction Mentors.

Health sciences

Please contact the assessments team with regards to feedback. If you are on a Health Sciences placement, you will receive feedback from your practice assessor directly on your ePad. You will need to add your Practice Assessor to your ePad and this will allow them to add feedback directly and you will be able to view this. Your academic assessor will also have access and be able to view this.

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