How do I report absences whilst on clinical placement?
Health sciences
All ill health and absence must be reported to the Faculty Student Support Office by completing the Absence Report Form or contacting phoning the University on 01483 684505.
Periods of sickness that last between four and seven consecutive day require you to submit a self-certificate by the last day of sickness (available on SurreyLearn). Periods of longer than seven days require a medical certificate which must be submitted promptly to your personal tutor.
Veterinary medicine
If you are unwell and cannot attend your placement you should complete an absence form which can be found on the module page for VMS5001. You should also notify the university academic who is support you on your placement (LVCP). If you miss more than 4 days on a 4 week placement you will need to remediate a minimum of 1 week during the summer of final year and this may affect your graduation.