What expenses can I claim as a Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) student?
You can claim expenses during your placement if you have incurred additional costs and these are outlined below.
Veterinary medicine
There is an intramural rotations (IMR) travel and accommodation policy that provides information regarding the level of expenses that students can claim in terms of specific Year 5 IMR placement expenses. Refer to the IMR Handbook and SurreyLearn module page for more information.
The university is unable to offer any expense cover for extramural studies (EMS) placements and students must self-fund any expenses incurred for these or source other areas of bursary support.
PsychD clinical psychology
Expenses for travel to placement are paid when you have travelled further than your home to base (the University) mileage, your "base" mileage. You can find guidance on travel and subsistence related expenses on Surrey Learn. Travel claims are processed by the University and paid via payroll at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust. Trainees will receive payment in their monthly payslip. Information on what travel and subsistence help you may be eligible for can be found on Surrey Learn.
Physician associate
There is no reimbursement of travel expenses.
Health sciences
If you've attended a placement as part of your course, you may be able to claim back excess costs for travel relating to your placement, compared to your usual journey to university and for accommodation you paid for to attend your placement. This is in accordance with the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)'s Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses policy. Students should refer to the relevant information on their SurreyLearn pages and there is also further information available on the NHSBSA guidance pages.
Please submit your claim to the to University's TDAE claims support team. They will then submit the claim on your behalf.