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What should I do if a technical issue prevents me from submitting my exam on time?

You should be uploading your work around 10 to 15 minutes before the end of an online exam so if there are issues, you have time to resolve them.
If you do experience a technical difficulty that prevents you from uploading your exam on time, there are steps you can take to send us your work. You would also need to have evidence of the technical issue that you encountered to send us as part of an application for extenuating circumstances.

In the first instance you would need to take a note of the time that the issue happened and take a photo or video on your phone or screenshot (which also shows the time and date). The more evidence you have, the better.

You should then immediately raise an enquiry with MySurrey Hive via SurreySupport, selecting “My Course” as the enquiry topic. Let them know what happened and how it impacted you and attach a copy of your work. This should be sent no later than 15 minutes after the deadline. Please also email your module leader.

You then need to submit an application for extenuating circumstances (with evidence) citing the technical issue and attaching the screenshots and timeframe. If Academic Administration are able to confirm that you had an issue, by examining the evidence you have provided, they may be able to approve the EC and allow your submission to be marked. This would only be possible if your work had been sent to us within 15 minutes of the deadline. If you had not been able to do this, we may approve a deferral of the exam, so you have a fresh attempt at another time.

If Academic Administration are not able to confirm the technical issue, then the EC application will be rejected and a mark of zero (non-submission) recorded.

If you need further guidance, you can also email the Students’ Union.

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