Where can I give feedback or raise and escalate concerns about my clinical placement?
During your time on placement there may be occasions when you would like to provide feedback or feel the need to raise concerns.
There are different procedures for raising concerns and providing feedback depending on which department you are studying with.
Health sciences
Please read the raising concerns guidance document for information on how to raise concerns about practice which they feel may be putting the safety and wellbeing of patients at risk. It is important that you familiarise yourself with this guidance and raise concerns immediately and appropriately. You will be supported through this process, as explained within the document. The Lead for Escalation of Student Practice Concerns can be contacted by email.
Veterinary medicine
Extramural studies (EMS)
For general feedback about a placement, please complete a placement feedback form which you can then upload to your Student Experience Log (SEL):
Student EMS placement assessment form (first year of registration pre 2024)
Student EMS placement assessment form (first year of registration 2024 onwards)
To raise concern whilst on placement please follow the guidance found on the SurreyLearn Veterinary Placements Module page:
Welfare Guidance (first year of registration pre 2024)
Welfare Guidance (first year of registration 2024 onwards)
Intramural rotations (IMR)
Please complete an IMR feedback form form after each placement rotation and submit these to the relevant submission box in the SurreyLearn module area. Any further feedback or comments can be sent to the Vet Placements team.