How can I change the temperature of my room?
Heating in your room is set to a maximum of 21°C and will not come on until the external daytime air temperature is below 18°C, October to May. The heating in our accommodation blocks is set to turn off between midnight and 6am.
If your room is too warm or too cold, some limited temperature adjustment is possible by using either the thermostat on your wall or the valve on your radiator:
- If you live on Stag Hill or at Hazel Farm you will have a radiator with a thermostatic valve. To turn up the heating on your radiator, some valves are operated by a coin – turn the valve, using the coin towards the thick blue line to reduce the temperature and towards the thinner blue line for more heat. Other valves work by turning the valve anticlockwise to increase the heat and clockwise to reduce heat.
- If you live in Manor Park Block A through to Block F you will have a radiator with a thermostatic valve. To turn up the heating on your radiator, the valves are operated by a coin – turn the valve, using the coin towards the thick blue line to reduce the temperature and towards the thinner blue line for more heat.
- Manor Park Blocks G, H, P, Q and R are electric and there will be a thermostat box on your wall. Please note that they are equipped with a motion sensor, which will turn off your heating, if it does not sense movement in your room.
If your room remains too hot or too cold please report online to the Estates and Facilities Helpdesk system. You need to make sure that you are connected to the University Wi-Fi and that you are using Microsoft Edge instead of Google Chrome (if you do not do this the website link will not work).
Please ensure that your duvet is sufficiently warm for the winter months – we would recommend a 13.5 to 15.0 tog weight duvet. During the colder months – November to February – we would also encourage you to keep your blinds/curtains closed to retain the heat in your room.
Please note that the use of your own portable radiators or cooling systems is not allowed in your rooms. This is because they can cause the building heating systems to not function correctly, they also represent a health and safety risk (fire) and are not energy efficient or environmentally sustainable.
During the summer no is heating provided. In order to stay cool during the summer months, we recommend taking the following steps, as advised by the NHS:
- Enjoy the sunshine but keep out of the heat on the hottest days if you possibly can. Stay in the shade especially between 11am and 3pm, wear sunscreen, a hat and light clothes, and avoid exercise or activity that makes you hotter.
- Take time out to cool yourself down. Have cold food and drinks, avoid alcohol, caffeine and hot drinks, and have a cool shower or put cool water on your skin or clothes.
- Close your blinds/curtains during the day and open them at night/late evening, when the temperature outside has gone down.