How do I report a fault or issue with something inside my flat?
If you have a problem in your flat and need help to fix it, please report it to us via our Estates and Facilities Helpdesk System.
Please make sure you are logged in to the University's wifi (or Global Protect if logging your request remotely) and that you are using Microso
ft Edge instead of Google Chrome (if you do not do this the website link will not work).
By creating a work request you will automatically give the Estates and Facilities team permission to enter your room to fix your fault. You will not need to be present when they attend.
For any urgent faults giving rise to an immediate risk to your health and safety or security, such as a smell of gas, a major flood, dangerous electrical equipment, if you become trapped in a lift, or if your flat is not secure, please call our Estates Help Desk on 01483 689230. This line is manned 24 hours per day. If you are not able to get through to our Help Desk Team, call Campus Safety on 01483 683333 in an emergency.
If you do report an issue and feel that is has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please email our Estates and Facilities team so we can investigate this for you.